How to Set up Streaming Audio and Video?

Article No. 133
Created: 06:45 AM 12.19.03
Author: HPU Support [Link:]
Original URL:

To stream RealAudio or RealVideo, Copy your encoded RealAudio and RealVideo files (files with the .rm and .ra and .mp3 extensions) to your Virtual Private Servers using FTP. Be sure to FTP these files in Binary mode.

Use a text editor to create a metafile containing a RealAudio or RealVideo URL. For example, the contents of your metafile should be in the following form:

http://YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME/path/filename.rm [Link: javascript: void'http://YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME/path/filename.rm', '_blank')]

Save the metafile as a text file with the .ram extension. For example:


Then FTP this file to your Virtual Private Servers in ASCII mode (because it is a text file).

In your HTML document, reference the metafile in a hyperlink. For example:

<a href="http://YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME/path/filename.rm">The File</a>

 [Link:]You can use relative or complete paths. If you use complete paths, you must include both the hostname and the complete path.

When a user clicks on the link, the audio/video file(s) begin to download. The RealPlayer begins playing after a few seconds; it does not need to wait for the entire file to be downloaded.

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