WHMCS Post Installation Suggested Steps

Article No. 239
Created: 04:57 PM 10.12.12
Author: HPU Support [Link: support@homepageuniverse.com]
Original URL: https://my.homepageuniverse.com/support/knowledgebase/question.php?qstId=239

Post Installation Suggested Steps

After installation is completed, we recommend that you go through and configure your new WHMCS system in the following order:

  1. Login to the Admin Area and configure your General Settings (Setup > General Settings)
  2. Setup your Payment Gateways (Setup > Payment Gateways)
  3. Setup your Products & Services (Setup > Products/Services)
  4. Configure your Domain Pricing (Setup > Domain Pricing)
  5. Setup your Support Ticket Departments (Setup > Support Departments)
  6. Setup email piping so you can manage tickets using the WHMCS Support Desk - for full instructions on this please see the relevant article
  7. Ensure the WHMCS Cron Job is setup and configure automated tasks (Setup > Automation Settings)
  8. Place some test orders on your website to check everything works as expected

For furthur guidance, you can watch video tutorials we have prepared for the above tasks @ www.whmcs.com/tutorials.php [Link: http://www.whmcs.com/tutorials.php]

Also, please take a look at WHMCS Support Site at http://docs.whmcs.com [Link: http://docs.whmcs.com/]

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