What are the Most Common PERL Coding Errors?

Article No. 98
Created: 06:01 AM 12.19.03
Author: HPU Support [Link: support@homepageuniverse.com]
Original URL: https://my.homepageuniverse.com/support/knowledgebase/question.php?qstId=98

Using bad paths. To be safe people should always try to use full path names and
make sure that the files they are manipulating/accessing are there and have the proper
permissions set.

Unescaped characters. @has a special meaning in perl to signify an @rray. A lot
of times people do something like my $url = "Johnny@Johnnyshouse.com" This is
incorrect and needs to be specified as "Johnny\@Johnnyshouse.com. Quotation marks
need to be escaped this way also.

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