Main Page / Browse Categories / Web Hosting / Microsoft Frontpage / Can I FTP to My Account if I Have Front Page?
Can I FTP to My Account if I Have Front Page?
Although we provide FTP access to FrontPage accounts, it is not to be used to upload your pages to your account.

You should only use FTP to upload to your public ftp directory, upload scripts to your cgi-bin directory or change file permissions. If you use FTP to modify your site (html files, etc.), the FrontPage extensions may become corrupt. Also, do not remove any files from your FrontPage account with an FTP client. The only files that you may remove with FTP are the files that you put there with FTP (cgi scripts and files in your public FTP directory).

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Can I FTP to My Account if I Have Front Page?
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Article No. 114
Created: 06:23 AM 12.19.03
Author: HPU Support

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