Main Page / Browse Categories / DomainMail / How Do I Make Sure That My Outlook Express is Not Set Up to Keep a Copy of My Messages on the Server?
How Do I Make Sure That My Outlook Express is Not Set Up to Keep a Copy of My Messages on the Server?
This solution also works for MicroSoft Outlook 98 and 2000 which utilize Outlook Express. Outlook 97 did not offer a feature for saving mail on the server.

Open the Mail program
1.Click on Tools in the menu bar at the top
2.Select Accounts from the drop down menu
3.Click on the Mail tab at the top
4.Highlight your e-mail account
5.Right click on Properties to the left
6.Click on the Advanced tab at the top
7.Under Delivery remove the check from Leave a copy of messages on the server 8.Click on OK at the bottom
9.Click on Close

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How Do I Make Sure That My Outlook Express is Not Set Up to Keep a Copy of My Messages on the Server?
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Article No. 151
Created: 07:05 AM 12.19.03
Author: HPU Support

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