Main Page / Browse Categories / Web Hosting / What is a Web User?
What is a Web User?
A web user is a user account within Apache. It is used to define locations for personalized web pages with individual FTP access. The result of creating a web user is a subdirectory within your domain (e.g. A list of all of the web users within a given domain will appear on the main Web Users page. At this page you can:

Select any web user name to edit the web user password and/or to add or remove different scripting options.

Search the web users list for a certain pattern. It may help you in case you have a great number of web users in the system and you need to work with a particular one. To search the list, type the pattern string in the text input field and click SEARCH.

Sort the list by various parameters. To sort the list by a certain parameter in ascending or descending order, click on the name of the parameter. An arrow will appear indicating the order of sorting: down for descending order, up for ascending.

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Article No. 40
Created: 03:05 PM 04.29.03
Author: HPU Support

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