Main Page / Browse Categories / Web Hosting / Should I Keep a Local Copy of My website, Just in Case?
Should I Keep a Local Copy of My website, Just in Case?
Even though HomepageUniverse has many safeguards against loss of data, there is always a small chance for data loss on any account. Therefore, we recommend that our customers take every effort to keep and up to date copy of their web site locally, just in case. To create a backup of your web site simple access Plesk and click on backup. The system will create a .tar file and store it on the server.  You can then proceed to download it locally on your computer.  At anytime should you need files restored you can contact and we will walk you through the process.

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Should I Keep a Local Copy of My website, Just in Case?
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Article No. 85
Created: 05:42 AM 12.19.03
Author: HPU Support

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