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Installing WHMCS

Installing WHMCS

Installing WHMCS is very simple. The following steps will guide you through the process:

  1. Unzip the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer
  2. Rename the file to configuration.php
  3. Upload the entire whmcs folder to your website - if you experience problems, try uploading in binary mode
  4. Next you can rename the folder to whatever you like (billing, clients, etc...)
  5. Now visit the installation script at to run the installer process - if you get an Ioncube related error message, see the installation Ioncube steps above
  6. Follow the instructions on screen to install which will involve setting file permissions as listed below, entering your license key and setting up your primary admin account
  7. When complete, delete the install folder from your web server and CHMOD the configuration.php file back to 644.
Required file & folders permissions (unless your php is suPHP or PHPSuExec):

/configuration.php          CHMOD 777 Writeable
/attachments                CHMOD 777 Writeable
/downloads                  CHMOD 777 Writeable
/templates_c                CHMOD 777 Writeable
Also, please take a look at WHMCS Support Site at

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Article No. 238
Created: 04:57 PM 10.12.12
Author: HPU Support

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